
Tell the Truth: The Whole Gospel Wholly by Grace Communicated Truthfully Lovingly is unavailable, but you can change that!

"Picture a gigantic cruise ship filled with happy people. "It's the S.S. Evangelical Gospel. In the midst of their fun and excitement, passengers have not noticed holes in the ship's side under the water line. Well-meaning leaders are attempting to plug these holes with new methods, technology, social activism and cultural savvy. All these are important, yet the structure of the ship remains...

never get married. Look at that fool! He’s really caught now!” No matter how wonderful you tell them that love is, it makes no impression. Of course, the reason they see this exclusive lifetime commitment of marriage as frightful and limiting is that they aren’t in love yet! They haven’t admitted their need for such a love and begun to reach out by returning love. Of course they aren’t ready to give themselves away to obtain another! Marriage (and religion) is conceived as a crutch for the weak.
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